Satgurunathar Ayya

Shankarananda Mission

"Elevating Souls, Inspiring Spirits – The Guiding Light of Satgurunathar Ayya"

He is a foremost devotee of Satguru Shree Raghavendra Swamy ever since receiving a picture of the Great Saint at the age of 12. He just loved His Guru heart and soulfully. Unlike other children of His age, Guruji was preoccupied with self-analysis, practising Ashtanga Yoga, pooja and service at temples after school. Guruji spent a few years of tapas in hills, reciprocating with nature. During this period, the mission of liberation of human soul was entrusted upon Guruji by His Guru.

His Holiness Maharishi Paramahamsa Shankarananda Theertar was born on 30th September in Malaysia by the name of Siva Kumar. An electrical and electronics engineer by profession, Guruji entered this divine path after He was initiated into spirituality by Gurudev. He is well known for his knowledge of Hindu Vedas, Bhagavat Gita and Puranas. Professionals and peasants seek Guruji’s guidance in various fields: Life, Spiritualism and Materialism. His poojas and spiritual discourses are something we would anticipate. Guruji creates a conducive and friendly environment for the devotees with humorous stories while teaching great lessons. He is fondly called as ‘Ayya’ by disciple for His fatherly figure in nurturing everyone to understand the purpose of their birth.